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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 0193c42.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-03-23  |  164KB  |  498x425  |  8-bit (216 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | monitor | sky | vegetarianism
OCR: LEADING CAR LOANS IN THE LARGEST METRO AREAS Teru Maimun Mogtht Telephonc Region Instibertion [momths paymen Nqwnu Atlanta TrustCo Bant 7.90% 80 S244 404- -588-7711 Battimore Mercantile Safe Deposit & Trust 0.00 60 80 20 410-237-5505 Boston Bankof Baston 8.90 60 90 207 800- 252 5625 Chicago Cole Taylor Bank 7.50 AS 80 242 312.738- 2000 Clevelant Society y Nationat Bank 7.90 60 90 202 216-689. -5626 Dallas NationsBank 7.69 36 85 312 800 462-6257 Demver Bank Western 7.90 48 85 244 303- 623-5100 Detroit Firstal Armerica Bank 7.25 60 85 199 313-339-5630 Houston Texas Commerce Bank 7.79 36 80 312 800-221-5363 Los. Angeles Communit: Bank 8.25 60 80 204 818-577-1700 Miami United National Bank 8.50 48 80 246 305-358-4334 Minneapolis al City Bank 8.25 36 80 315 612-340-3 3000 New York City Marine M ...